Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Exam Dumps

Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect (WI24)

Total Questions : 224
Update Date : June 20, 2024
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Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Questions:

We offer our students real exam questions with a 100% passing guarantee, allowing them to successfully pass their Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect exam on their first try. Experienced experts have meticulously crafted our Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect dumps PDF to match the model of the real exam question answers you will encounter during your certification journey.

Related Exams

Question # 1

In Architect has been working on a large project for the past 6 months. This project must be live by the end of the current month. Which two planning techniques should the Architect use to ensure all metadata changes deploy smoothly and on time? Choose 2 answers 

A. Ensure all code that is being deployed is checked into source control 
B. Validate the final deployment package against production prior to go-live 
C. Create a new sandbox and perform a test deployment to that environment 
D. Upload a change set from sandbox to production as early as possible

Question # 2

Which two ways should a developer working on a data loading integration that operates between different Salesforce environments insert multiple related records in one call or transaction? Choose 2 answers 

A. REST API SObject Tree Request 
B. Bulk API 2.0 
C. REST API Composite Request 
D. Streaming API 

Question # 3

Universal Containers (UC) has two subsidiaries which operate independently. UC has made the decision to operate two of separate Salesforce orgs, one for each subsidiary. However, certain functions and processes between the two orgs must be standardized. Which two approaches should UC take to develop customizations once, and make them available in both orgs? Choose 2 answers 

A. Develop the functionality in a sandbox and deploy it to both production orgs 
B. Set up Salesforce-to-Salesforce to deploy the functionality from one org to the other 
C. Create a managed package in a sandbox and deploy it to both production orgs 
D. Create a package in a Developer Edition org and deploy it to both production orgs 

Question # 4

Universal Containers (UC) has been using Salesforce Sales Cloud for many years following a highly customized, single-org strategy with great success so far. What two reasons can justify a change to a multi-org strategy? Choose 2 answers 

A. UC is launching a new line of business with independent processes and adding any new feature to it is too complex.
 B. UC wants to use Chatter for collaboration among different business units and stop working in silos. 
C. UC follows a unification enterprise architecture operating model by having orgs with the same processes implemented for each business unit. 
D. Acquired company that has its own Salesforce org and operates in a different business with its own set of regulatory requirements. 

Question # 5

What is a main characteristic of an agile team? 

A. The team uses Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming. 
B. The team has biweekly sprints to ensure on-time delivery. 
C. The team delivers new releases on dates defined in the beginning of the project, following a project plan 
D. The team improves and evolves its processes and frequently delivers value to the endusers. 

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